I’ve almost finished creating my screens for Tomas. Once I’m done I’ll be able to replicate this format using it as a template to populate with info for all the other game characters that I’ve designed. The problem I’m trying to resolve at the moment is an external link button. Tanya said at the beginnning of major project that it would be great to be able to link externally from the game to wikipedia or something similar so that the player could delve deeper into information around a topic. This is how I am going to achieve my goal of Tangential learning. By providing my gamer audience with more detailed content on my endangered species issue. Here are some screenshots of my problem.

Step 1: – Clicked on link to wikipedia

Step 2: – Got Adobe error page

Step 3: – Problem may be due to running 64bit version of firefox with 32bit version of flash player. I’ll look into this.